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Children's Books

A passion of mine is illustrating children's books. I have a love for vibrant illustrations and captivating storytelling. My dream for me is to ignite the dreams and imaginations of young minds, and to become a treasured addition to any young reader's library.

Learning to Fly

Learning to Fly is a story told for children, adults, and parents who want to share the hope and love of Christ with the ones they love. Whether they are sick and suffering or healthy and well, adults and children can learn about Jesus and how he loves each and every one of us. He wants to help take all our pain, sickness, and worry and help us be free.

Through the adventures of Zack and Mac, adults and children can learn about Christ and be entertained with the fun and hope that Zack and Mac experience in Christ and their adventures climbing trees, being astronauts, and even pirates!

This unique story is like nothing you have read and brings a creative new way of sharing Jesus with the ones we love.

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